Girl Scout Cadette Seeks Donations for Silver Award Project

The Crest Hill Branch has a donation box for new winter clothing for refugee children. Stella, Girl Scout Cadette, is working to earn the Silver Award, which is the highest honor a Cadette can receive. We asked Stella to tell us more about herself, and her Silver Award project; you can read the full story below.

When Girl Scout Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest honor a Cadette can achieve.

Stella’s message:

Hello Everyone!

My name is Stella, and I am an 8th grade Cadette in Girl Scouts. I began Girl Scouts when I was in third grade and have been in my troop for the past five years. As a Cadette, I have the exciting opportunity to earn a Silver Award that will benefit my community and help the people around me. A few months ago, I read a book about refugees and all the hardships and troubles they face just to have the security of a safe home where they can be free. I became aware of how hard it can be for children to leave their homes due to violence and destruction and was inspired to help them. After researching more and more about the difficult journey refugees take, I was certain that I wanted to focus my Silver Award project on helping refugee children.

For my Silver Award project, I am collecting winter items like hats, mittens/gloves, and scarves for infants, toddlers, and three-to-five-year olds. All donations will go to the World Relief Center in Aurora where they will be distributed to refugee children. These items will help countless families have a more positive start to their new lives here in America. Every year thousands of refugee children and their families leave their homes in hopes of a better life, and simple items that we as Americans often take for granted can change their world.

Thank you for your consideration and generosity!

1 Comment

  1. Stella Abarca November 18, 2020 at 3:01 pm

    Hello guys!
    It’s Stella Abarca and I really need your help. I need 300 winter items by the end of the month and we are running low on donations. Every donation counts and I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this cause! Your help is very much appreciated! Thank you for your consideration and generosity!

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